“Moving House” may be the term we commonly use, but moving HOME is surely a better description for one of life’s more stressful experiences. Few changes, other than a relationship, can stir such emotions.

As estate agents, we are effectively “agents of change” and whilst our natural focus might be to help people move in a practical sense, we find we can be most effective when we really empathise with our clients.

It would be callous to think that a home is just bricks and mortar. Home is so much more than that (as we all discovered during lockdown)…

• Is the focus for our sense of place
• Is the sanctuary that protects us from the sheer noise of life
• Is where our real self resides and where we can genuinely relax
• Is where our relationships both blossom and are tested
• Is where we unharness our emotions and can laugh or cry, unjudged
• Is the safe place where family is conceived and nurtured
• Is the root of our most precious past and future memories
• Is an expression of who we really are

Inevitably, the bricks and mortar element of home will usually reach the end of its useful life as we ourselves move on. It will then be time for the next occupant to regard “your house” as “their home”.

We often note how “similar” a buyer is to the seller of the new home. If people move in seven-year cycles then it is reasonable to assume that the next occupant may well be in the same stage of life as the outgoing seller was seven years ago. They are also very likely to be a strong socio-demographic match to the area into which they are moving.

We believe that it is our ability to understand our buyers’ preferences, lifestyle expectations and aspirations that has been a key component to our success in matching people to property. Finely attuned? – maybe. Effective? – certainly. Why not call us for an initial chat if you have any thoughts about moving and let us show you how a more connected approach to helping people move can pay real dividends.

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